Эрчим хүчний дэд зөвлөлийн хуралдаан өчигдөр боллоо.
A standard model of green development will be established, continuing the tradition of nature preservation in accordance with international trends.
A legal framework will support citizen and business organizations that have been effectively promoting the “Billion Trees“ national movement, a significant contribution to climate change mitigation.
Actions will be taken to protect water resources, ensure safe drinking water to the population, irrigate pastures, increase water supply in the Gobi region, reuse “grey” water, build artificial lakes and ponds, and rehabilitate exhausted rivers and springs.
Considering the regional perspective, environmentally friendly waste recycling plants with advanced technologies shall be established in aimags and the capital city.
The implementation of economic and industrial recovery policies will preverse and uphold Mongolias's national traditions of environmental protection, defining a national model of green development in line with global development trends.
Global warming has intensified in the last 150 years due to climate change and the rise in greenhouse gases, affecting 76 of Mongolia's territory with desertification and land degradation. Forests cover 7.9% of the land, while surface water accounts for 98% of water resources. Waste recycling is currently at a mere 10%.
76 per cent of Mongolia's territory has been affected by desertification and land degradation.
Forests cover 7.9% of the territory, and surface water accounts for 98% of water resources.
Waste harms the environment, and recycling is only 10%.
Forests cover 7.9% of the territory, and surface water accounts for 98% of water resources.
Two sets of projects and national movements have been approved within the policy framework. These include the "Billion Trees" national movement, which aims to reduce climate change using environmentally friendly advanced technologies, and the "Blue Horse" project to accumulate water resources and increase access to water supply in the Gobi region. Additionally, project is underway to create a centralized eco-facility for common and hazardous waste.
The area newly planted with trees and re-forested will be expanded.
The number of protected riverbeds, water supply sources, and reservoirs built on significant rivers will increase, leading to a greater proportion of the population receiving safe drinking water meeting sanitary standards.
Public service facilities will be constructed with the green technology requirements to a reduce their operational costs.
Waste recycling will aim to reach 40% of the total waste generated.
Areas affected by severe or intense desertification will be maintained without allowing the affected areas to expand in size.
Buildings, industries and technologies that satisfy international standards and conventions, such as the Paris Climate Accord and the Sustainable Development Goals, will be promoted to create postive impact on the environment.
Green Development Recovery and its implementation
Эрчим хүчний дэд зөвлөлийн хуралдаан өчигдөр боллоо.
Үндэсний баялгийн сан, орон сууцжуулалтын Үндэсний хорооны анхдугаар хурал өчигдөр боллоо. Тус хороог Монгол Улсын Ерөнхий сайд Л.Оюун-Эрдэнэ ахалж байгаа юм.
Хуримтлалын сангийн хэрэгжилтийг хангах бодлого, үйл ажиллагааг хэрхэн зохицуулах, сангийн эх үүсвэр, иргэн бүрд хуримтлалын нэрийн данс үүсгэж, эрүүл мэнд, боловсрол, орон сууцны зориулалтаар ашиглах боломжийг бий болгох арга хэмжээний талаар
ХБНГУ-ын Конрад Аденауер сангийн Монгол дахь суурин төлөөлөгчийн газраас “Монгол Улсын сэргээгдэх эрчим хүчний салбарын хөрөнгө оруулалт” сэдэвт арга хэмжээг 2024 оны 04 дүгээр сарын 26-ны өдөр зохион байгууллаа.
“Build Mongolia 2024” олон улсын барилга, уул уурхай, дэд бүтцийн техник, дэвшилтэд технологийн үзэсгэлэн 2024 оны 04 сарын 24-26 өдрүүдэд амжилттай зохион байгуулагдав.